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The Absolute Best People

Over the years, CMP has built a team of uniquely experienced and passionate professionals. This team represents deep experience across industry and function. Each person has had experience on both sides of the desk, as an inside leader and as an outside consultant. We go to great lengths to ensure we match the right client with the right CMP person.

Click on any team name to view their image:

Maryanne Pina-Frodsham

Maryanne Piña-Frodsham

Joe Frodsham

Joe Frodsham

Kathy Kilroy

Kathy Kilroy

President, Midwest Region
Hi. I'm Rachel. Nice to meet you.

Scott McTague

Senior Vice President, Talent Fit Solutions
Susan Glen

Susan Glen

Senior Vice President, Client Relations

John Hernandez

SVP Client Strategies
Amanda Connelly

Amanda Connelly

Vice President, Talent Development Solutions
Gayle Norton (2)

Gayle Norton

Vice President, Client Solutions
Kelli Bloyd

Kelli Bloyd

VP, CMP Search
Faith Abbott

Faith Abbott

Director, Client Engagement
Kathy Johnson

Kathy Johnson

Director of Client Services
Carloss Dorsey

Carloss Dorsey

Client Engagement Specialist
Sandra Albrecht

Sandra Albrecht

Senior Consultant
Kim Higgins Alleman

Kim Higgins Alleman

Executive Coach
Brian Allen

Brian Allen

Senior Consultant
Susan Barens

Susan Barens, MHRD

Executive Coach
Sandra Bierman, PhD

Sandra Bierman, PhD

Senior Consultant

Mike Boate

Managing Director, Talent Acquisition
Wendell Brock, M.B.A., Ch.F.C.

Wendell Brock, M.B.A., Ch.F.C.

Financial Advisor
David Brookmire, PhD

David Brookmire, PhD

Executive Coach
Johnathan Burman

Jonathan Burman

Executive Coach

Marissa Cabral

RFP Specialist
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Steve Callisher

Search Consultant

Claudia Chavez-Castilla

Executive and Career Coach

Becky Clark

Executive Coach
Sandra Lopez Garza

Sandra Lopez Garza

Senior Consultant

Ginny Gray, Ph.D.

Executive Coach
Melissa Ferrer-Smith

Melissa Ferrer-Smith

Senior Consultant
Marilynn Graves

Marilynn Graves

Executive Coach and High Performance Consultant
Claire Letard Heap

Claire Letard Heap

Research Director
Joseph Heilner Bio Photo

Joseph Heilner

Executive Coach

Rosemary Heilner

RFP Specialist
Dr. Lisa Herbert

Dr. Lisa Herbert

Executive Coach
Terry Hoffmann

Terry Hoffmann, M.A., PCC, BCC, LMHC

Executive Coach
Kay Hughes

Kay Hughes

Senior Consultant
Sherry Jackson

Sherry Jackson

Senior Consultant
Frances Kessler

Frances Kessler

New Orleans Office Leader
Bill Koch

Bill Koch

Executive Coach
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Melissa Labor


Larry Lavine

Executive Consultant, Strategic Solutions
Bob Maher, CMF

Bob Maher, CMF

Senior Consultant

Dr. Donna Marino

Executive Coach
Jan Moorman

Jan Moorman

Senior Consultant

Kathleen Murphy

Senior Career Coach
Keith O. Nave

Keith O. Nave

CMP - Founder, Transitioned but Still Connected
Hi. I'm Rachel. Nice to meet you.

Sommer Neff

Purpose-Driven Consultant
Mary Ober

Mary Ober

Coach and Consultant
Julie Overholt

Julie Overholt

Executive Coach
Hi. I'm Rachel. Nice to meet you.

Teresa Pool

Executive Coach
Terry Price-1

Terry Price

Executive Coach and Outplacement Consultant

Melissa Quist

Steve Salisbury

Steve Salisbury

Senior Consultant

Mayan Meza Tovar

Specialist – Social Media
Dick Ulrich

Dick Ulrich

Senior Consultant
Bruce Weaver

Bruce Weaver

Senior Consultant
Michael R. Yates

Michael R. Yates

Executive Coach
Charlie Zinger

Charlie Zinger

Senior Consultant