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Can I call to obtain more information about Career Coaching options given my situation?
Absolutely. You can complete the Contact Us form, call 800-680-7768 or email Joe Frodsham directly at joef@careermp.com with any additional questions you may have.
What technology do you have that supports your Career Coaching?
With each of our coaching programs we provide access to a robust portal that supports every aspect of career evaluation and transition. Key features of the OI Solutions Career Center include:
• Self-assessment tools to identify your career interests and relevant skill sets
• Deep research tool (including LexisNexis™) to aid job search and target company intelligence.
• 20 on-demand training sessions supporting all aspects career decision-making and transition.
• Better preparation for interviews with an interview simulator that includes hundreds of questions and associated employer videos, with mock interviews and session playback.
• Progress tracker so you can stay on schedule.
• Multimedia content in video, audio podcasts, written tutorials and e-learning modules.
• More appropriate job openings in your target industry, identified more expediently, along with contacts to short-circuit recruitment time.
• Custom dashboard where practical job search tools are all presented in one place to supplement the advantages of a personal coach.
For a more comprehensive overview of OI Solutions Career Center see a video overview at: https://vimeo.com/268633252
When do I know I need a Career Coach?

You can benefit from a career coach any time in your career journey that you desire more success, joy, reward, fulfillment and impact in your job or professional life. That can be when you’re stuck in an unhappy career, or when you’re starting out and can’t figure out the best direction. It can be when you’re longing for more success and understand that how you’ve been trying to get there just isn’t working. It can also be a perfect time for a career coach when you’re ready to make a BIG change and need outside help to support it.

Specifically, you can use a coach if you fall into one or more of the following five categories:

  1. You want greater success and reward in your current job
  2. You are in transition and need a new job/career
  3. You want a thrilling new job in the same field that will leverage your current talents and abilities
  4. You want (or think you want) an entirely new career
  5. You consider launching a new venture and want to explore it more thoroughly
What outcomes can I achieve with the right Career Coach?
Ultimately, working with the right career coach can be truly life-changing experience. When working with great career coaches, people build new careers that align with their core interests, values and talents. They arrive at new ways to speak up for themselves and achieve tremendous success and fulfillment on their terms (not someone else’s). They begin find a path to obtaining what they want, even need, in life and work. They communicate more powerfully and ask for (and receive) what they deserve. They step up to negotiate for themselves and land achieve significant goals, which can include promotions and raises. They learn how to interview and network effectively and build a wonderful support community. And they start developing and sharing their unique personal brand in ways that bring wonderful new opportunities their way. In short, finding the right career coach and doing the work required to shift your life and career can yield tremendous positive outcomes that far surpass what you ever imagined possible for yourself and your life.
What happens if I don't connect well with the assigned Career Coach, can I change Career Coaches?
We have a 94% Candidate success rate - our coaches are really good. However, sometimes the coach - participant relationship is not working. If that happens, we want to know right away. After the first session, you can call 800-680-7768 to request a change in coaches. We will provide a new coach, and you will get an extra session free to compensate for the session lost with the previous coach.
What if I am not satisfied with my resume or LinkedIn profile?
Once the final version of the resume or Linkedin profile is delivered, we cannot issue a refund. So, please call 800-680-7768 if the initial draft or work with your consultant is not progressing effectively. We will do everything we can to put the right resource(s) on the job to get you an outstanding resume and LinkedIn profile.